Friday, October 27, 2006

About lyceum

The natural-mathematical lyceum was opened in September 1997. There were only 50 students at first.
Today lyceum has about 250 capable students and 23 qualified teachers. Our students are divided into 2 groups. The first group is specialized in biology, chemistry and ecology. The second group are pupils who study mathematics and physics.
There is also a Small Academy of Science which develops the knowledge of different subjects not only for our students but for students from other secondary schools.
Every year the students of lyceum take part in Olympiads and have the best results. Internet Olympiads are very popular among the students.
The teachers of lyceum take an active part in different national and interntional projects such as: I*EARN, Mondialogue, Ecological project.
There are many traditions in our lyceum. One of the most interesting is the Election of the President of lyceum.
All the teaches of the lyceum took Intel courses, so nearly all of them can create web-sites and make presentations.
Natural-mathematical lyceum is a member of UNESCO organization, so we follow all the great dates according to this organization. If you want to get more information about us, welcome to our site

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could you please post some information about UNESCO partnership?